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« Monday November 17, 2008 »
Start: 17/11/2008 17:00

As we didn’t get enough responses, we’re unable to do this one. I forgot to respond, so that’s cost us an extra ladder spot, sorry all.

The best we have for any one time so far is 4 players. If we don’t get two more signed up by tomorrow at 5pm, we’re going to have to let this one go by. If you aren’t sure, just let us know your best guess, no-one will hold you to account if it’s wrong :)

No rest for the wicked, we’ve now got to take on S2 runners up: MaD Red. We can call it a learning opportunity ;)

Place your availability below, if we don’t have enough for a team by the response deadline (19/11 at 5pm) then we’ll have to decline.

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